IBVS was created by Prof. L. Detre following the decision of the IAU C27
at the Berkeley GA in 1961. The electronic edition appeared in 1994, and
the print edition (HU ISSN 0374 - 0676) ceased in 2011, the No. 6000 being
the last issue printed. Refereeing was introduced in 1995. Since 2011 the
journal appears only electronically.
IAU GA Reports on IBVS
The Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
was set up at the IAU GA at Berkeley, in 1961, and the first issue was
published in the same year, under the editorship of L. Detre. The reports
of Commission 27 (and later, Commission 42 reports too) in the volumes of
"The Transactions of the IAU / Reports on Astronomy" usually contain
information on IBVS.
Literature and catalogs in electronic form: questions, ideas and an example:
the IBVS,
A. Holl, 1998, Proceedings of ADASS'97; ASP Conf. Ser. 145., p. 474
Manuscript preparation, submission and features of the electronic IBVS,
A. Holl, 2003, Proceedings of ADASS'02; ASP Conf. Ser. 295, p. 321
- Journals on the web - more than text,
A. Holl: 2002, iAstro/IDHA workshop, Strasbourg
- Electronic Journals as Databases,
A. Holl, 2003, Proceedings of ADASS'03, ASP Conf. Ser. 314, p. 229
- IBVS and the data from robotic observatories,
Robotic Astronomy, 3rd Potsdam Thinkshop, Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, No. 6-8, pp 610-612
- Electronic journals and VO techniques,
iAstro Workshop at RAL, Oct. 14-15., 2004
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars - Rich Content and Novel Services for an Enhanced Publication,
D-Lib Magazine, 18, 5/6, 2012
The Electronic IBVS benefited from various grants and the work of several
people, and the use of various software packages. The list of contributors and software used can be found