Konkoly Observatory Budapest 7 December 2009 HU ISSN 0374 - 0676 (print) HU ISSN 1587 - 2440 (on-line) |
There is a long tradition of publishing minima/maxima times of variables in IBVS. We find errata published for a considerable number of papers falling to this category. As it is a tedious work for the Editors or the referee to check each published minimum, we have decided to require additional information from the authors.
Henceforth we ask authors to find a suitable ephemeris for each given star, compute the O-C values by this ephemeris for their observations, and if possible, compare them with values listed in databases, such as the "UP-TO-DATE LINEAR ELEMENTS OF ECLIPSING BINARIES" by J.M. Kreiner (http://www.as.up.krakow.pl/ephem/), the "Eclipsing Binary O-C Files" by Bob Nelson (http://www.aavso.org/observing/programs/eclipser/omc/), or the "Lichtenknecker-Database of the BAV" (http://www.bav-astro.de/LkDB/index.php?lang=en).
We ask authors to submit a simple ASCII version of their LaTeX table, with two additional columns, containing the O-C value, and an ephemeris reference. An additional table could be used to expand these references.
These additional tables will not be published, they serve solely for the purpose of quality control.
The Editors