IBVS standpoint regarding the future of the IAU Archives of Unpublished Observations of Variable Stars - We think the Archive should be digitised and made available on-line. - IBVS is already in the process of digitising a part of the archive - those files that belong to papers published in IBVS. Some of the files are already on-line on our website (digitised files were sent to CDS too). - IBVS has no means for digitising the whole archive, so we welcome other parties participating in it. - The digitisation efforts should be coordinated, and the results pooled. - We think the digitised version of the archive should be kept at multiple sites, just like the paper one. - IBVS is willing to host one copy of the digitised archive, as the bulletin of the Commission 27 (and 42), and as a journal where some reports on the archives were published. - IBVS, if entrusted with hosting a copy, will make the data available to the public through its channels, like linking files to the lists published in past IBVS issues. We intend to convert the files to VO-compatible format, and serve them through VO-compliant means. - If there would be future additions to the archive, IBVS is willing to publish reports on the status of the Archive, and host a copy of the newly deposited data.