Triennial report of IBVS
IAU General Assembly, Prague, 2006
Oláh, K.; Jurcsik, J.; Holl, A.; Kövári, Zs.
Konkoly Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 P.O.Box 67, Hungary;
I. The printed version

Fig. 1. Published issues of IBVS from the beginnings till the present.

Fig. 1b. IBVS citations in ADS.
Editorial Board
During the last three years the Editorial Board of IBVS was the following:
- B. Gänsicke
- G. Handler (chair)
- L. Kiss
- S.S. Saar
- M. Schreiber
- D. Sasselov
- B. Skiff
and ex-officio members: J. Christensen-Dalsgaard (Div. V.), C. Aerts (Comm. 27.), A. Gimenez (Comm. 42.).
Advisors: D. Kurtz, N.N. Samus, C. Sterken, L. Szabados
We would like to thank them for their help and support during the past three years.
II. The electronic IBVS
- Grant
- 2000 USD, Open Society Institute, 2004 (for open access journals)
- ~ 4250 USD, Ministry of Informatics and Communication (IHM), 2004
(metadata creation, PhysHun)
- IBVS has some VO features now
- Using CDS Aladin as a visualization tool for photometric sequences
- VOTable: used for the communication with the Aladin server;
representing time-series photometry data (experiments)

Fig. 2. Aladin as a visualization tool

Fig. 3. GRID-like functionality: using software tools available on the Internet
- Figures & data files

Fig. 4. IBVS can present each figure separately, offering download options and metadata
- Linking
- GCVS (IBVS: GCVSobj macro; GCVS: reference links to IBVS in
the query results)
- IAU Archives of Unpublished Observations of Variable Stars files
- 42 files are on-line at IBVS
- further 15 is in preparation
- master list (IBVS; PASP; CDS Bull; IAU Transactions)
- cooperation with CDS, help of the Odessa DC
- IBVS standpoint
- Plans
- semantic search (objects instead of identifiers, figures, data)
- use of object name resolvers
- use of OAI-PMH protocol (communicating metadata to ADS)
- Standardization issues
- data files: VOTable format
- markup
- Automating information flow
- Information from IBVS goes to other databases, bibliographies
It could be automated

Fig. 5. Data flow from IBVS to other resources
Papers, talks on the electronic IBVS:
- Electronic Journals as Databases, A. Holl: 2004, Proceedings of ADASS 2003, ASP Conf. Ser. 314, p. 229
- IBVS and the data from robotic observatories, A. Holl: 2004, Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, No. 6-8, pp 610-612
- From the AGE to the electronic IBVS: the past and the future of astronomical journals, A. Holl: 2004, Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 24., pp 224-232
- Electronic journals and VO techniques, A. Holl: 2004, iAstro workshop, RAL (UK)
- Interlinking between IBVS and WFPDB, A. Holl: 2004, iAstro workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Time Series Photometry Data: Standard Access, Standard Formats, A. Holl: 2006, Poster, The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization, Blankenberge (Belgium), 8-11 May 2006
- Observations and publications in the VO: is the VO only for Big Science?, A. Holl: 2006, Library and Information Services in Astronomy V., Cambridge, MA, USA, 19-21 June, 2006