COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Number 1959 Konkoly Observatory Budapest 1981 April 30 HU ISSN 0374-0676 SPECTRAL CHANGES IN GK PER (1901) The old nova GK Persei (1901) has been spectroscopically observed during the February-April 1981 outburst with the 122 cm and 182 cm reflectors of the Observatory of Asiago. An Echelle spectrogram in the Halpha region (disp. 16 A/mm) taken on March 27.83 UT, when the star was near its light maximum ( cf. IAUC 3574, 3587 ), shows an inverse P Cyg profile. A prism spectrogram ( disp. 60 A/mm at Hgamma ) obtained on April 2.85 UT, during the early decline ( m_v ~= 11.6, from plates obtained at Asiago with the 90/65 cm and the 50/40 cm Schmidt telescopes ), shows that the HeII lambda 4686 emission is considerably stronger than in all our previous spectra until January 1981. The intensity ratio Hbeta/HeII lambda 4686 has changed from >=2.3 ( light minimum ) to 1.2 ( early decline ). On April 14.82 UT and 15.81 UT, during the late decline, two grating spectrograms ( disp. 120 A/mm ) show a marked weakening of all the emissions: faint Halpha, barely visible Hbeta and HeII and no trace of Hgamma. Such a behaviour, also observed during the outburst of some U Gem stars (see Warner,B.: 1976, IAU Symp. No. 73, p. 85 ), indicates that the H emission decrement is larger than the absorption decrement. A. BIANCHINI F. SABBADIN Osservatorio Astrofisico Asiago (Vicenza) Italy