COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Number 1573 Konkoly Observatory Budapest 1979 March 23 PHOTOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS OF OLD NOVAE Using the 30 cm f/5 four lens astrograph of the Hoher List Observatory, blue plates (ZU-2) of some novae, which had their outbursts some years or decades ago, were taken. The magnitudes listed in the table were obtained by the Argelander method, using the indicated comparison sequences of nearby galactic cluster photometries. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova Outburst Observing date m_pg Reference ---------------------------------------------------------------------- V 356 Aql 1936 2 443 374.447 [16.5 V1229 Aql 1970 374.447 [16.5 IV Cep 1971 374.564 [16.3 717.470 [16.7 V1500 Cyg 1975 374.348 13.8 Soviet Astr. 21, 364 713.469 14.9: 715.396 14.5 717.439 14.6 718.431 14.5 719.406 14.8 723.499 14.5 725.414 15.4: HR Del 1967 2 441 543.444 11.3 J.Obs. 51, 353 2 443 374.368 11.8 714.463 11.8 V 533 Her 1963 374.471 16.2 Acta Astr. 19, 82 CP Lac 1936 374.564 16.6: V 368 Sct 1970 374.392 [15.7 714.446 [16.7 V 373 Sct 1975 714.446 [16.7 FH Ser 1970 374.420 16.4: LU Vul 1968 374.496 [16.8 Astr.Astrophys. 2, 100 715.450 [16.8 LV Vul 1968 374.496 16.4 Astr.Astrophys. 2, 101 715.450 [16.8 NQ Vul 1976 715.428 15.8: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The times given are geocentric, the accuracy of the magnitudes is about +-0.1m. With this uncertainty, the observations of V 1500 Cyg show that the short time fluctuation still goes on 1065d after the outburst. U. HOPP, M. KIEHL, S. WITZIGMANN H.W. DUERBECK Wilhelm Foerster Sternwarte Observatorium Hoher List 1000 Berlin-41, F.R.G. der Universitats- Sternwarte Bonn 5568 Daun/Eifel, F.R.G.