COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Number 1093 Konkoly Observatory Budapest 1976 February 4 THE EMISSION-LINE STARS FG AND FH AQUILAE The stars FG Aql (m_p=14.1-15.5) and FH Aql (m_p=14.1-16) are provisionally classified as rapid, irregular variables in the GCVS. These stars are located at 1900 coordinates alpha=18h57.0m, delta=- 05d45', l=29.2d, b=-05.0d, and are separated by only about twenty arc seconds (see identification chart). [FIGURE 1] We recently determined that these variables are identical with two faint Halpha-emission-line stars first noted by C.B. Stephenson (unpublished) on an objective-prism plate taken with the University of Michigan's Curtis Schmidt telescope on July 4 (U.T.), 1959. The emission on that date was found to be moderately strong in both stars. Unfortunately, because of faintness, spectral types cannot be derived from objective-prism plates available in the files of the Warner and Swasey Observatory. Inspection of the National Geographic Society-Palomar Sky Survey shows that the stars lie at the eastern edge of a small dark nebula i.e. Barnard 130. The presence of hydrogen emission, the irregular light variations, and the apparent association with dark material suggest that these stars belong to the Orion population of variables as defined by Herbig and Rao (Ap.J. 174, 401, 1972). There appear to be no other faint emission-line stars in the immediate vicinity of this pair. Warner and Swasey Observatory N. SANDULEAK 1975 Taylor Road, E. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.