COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Number 1090 Konkoly Observatory Budapest 1976 February 2 PHOTOELECTRIC LIGHT CURVES OF AS Cam The eclipsing nature of the star AS Cam was announced by Strohmeier (1959). Later on the orbital period and photographic light curve of the system were published by Strohmeier and Knigge (1960). The system was observed photoelectrically between January 1968 and January 1970 by Hilditch (1972a). In 1969 the light elements were calculated by Hilditch using the old photographic and six photoelectric minima. These elements are Hel.Min. JD 2440 204.5137+3.4309714d E. This period is twice of that given by Strohmeier. The light curves were observed and analyzed by Hilditch in three-colour. The spectroscopic orbit of the system was also obtained by Hilditch (1972b). The system was photoelectrically observed on 19 nights with the 48 cm Cassegrain telescope of the Ege University Observatory using an RCA 1P21 photomultiplier and B,V filters. Two secondary and a primary minimum times were obtained and are given in the following table. -------------------------------------- Hel.Min. Min. O-C filter -------------------------------------- 2441547.5273 II -.2117 B .5282 II -.2108 V 578.4065 II -.2112 B,V 580.3330 I -.0002 B .3338 I +.0006 V -------------------------------------- The light and colour curves are presented in the Figures, where the magnitude differences between the variable and the comparison star (BD+69d317) have been plotted against the phases. The phases were calculated with the above light elements. The star varies about 0.625m and 0.595m at the primary, 0.385m and 0.390m at the secondary minimum in blue and yellow light, respectively. It is clearly seen that the brightness at the outside eclipses is variable. The magnitude of these variations are about 0.03m in yellow and 0.05m in blue light. On the other hand the epoch of secondary minimum is displaced from phase 0.5 to 0.4384. It is difficult to say anything about the apsidal motion with the available observations. Further photoelectric minimum times should be obtained for this purpose. [FIGURE 1] [FIGURE 2] This study is a part of Research Project No. 76 supported by Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey. Ege University Observatory O. GULMEN P.K. 21 Bornova-Izmir, Turkey. C. IBANOGLU S. BOZKURT N. GUDUR References: Hilditch, R.W. 1969, The Observatory, 89, 143 [BIBCODE 1969Obs....89..143H ] Hilditch, R.W. 1972a, Mem.Roy.Astron.Soc 76, 1 [BIBCODE 1972MmRAS..76....1H ] Hilditch, R.W. 1972b, Pub.A.S.P. 84, 519 [BIBCODE 1969Obs....89..143H ] Strohmeier, W. 1959, Veroff.Rem.Sternwarte, Bamberg, V, Nr. 3. Strohmeier, W. and Knigge, R., 1960,Veroff.Rem.Sternw.Bamberg, VII, Nr. 72 CORRECTION TO IBVS No. 1083 In the Table for the note on "Close Binaries with H and K Emission" there is an error in the magnitude of RT Lac. It should be 9.0 rather than 10.0. D.M. POPPER