COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS NUMBER 846 Konkoly Observatory Budapest 1973 November 20 FORTY ECLIPSING BINARIES PROBABLY WITHIN 100 PS FROM THE SUN WITH UNKNOWN TRIGONOMETRIC PARALLAXES Dealing with the problem of distances of eclipsing binaries the writer found that forty eclipsing variables with so far unknown trigonometric parallaxes are within 100 ps of the Sun. The distances were found by using a new method of determination of photometric parallaxes of eclipsing binaries. The general idea of this new method is given in the writer's paper (Acta Cosmologica 2, 1973, in press). The data necessary for the computations of photometric parallaxes were taken from the following sources: Eggen (MN 84, No. 5, 1967) Koch, Plavec and Wood (Publ.Pennsylvania,Astr.Ser. X. 1970), Kordylewski (Roczn.Astr.Obs.Krakow, 1973. Int.Suppl. 44. 1972), Kukarkin et al. (GCVS 1969; First Suppl. 1971), Mauder (Astr.Aph. 17, 1) and Tschudovitschev (Kazan Bull. 28. 1952). The stars are listed in the Table. The consecutive columns contain the name of the star, the photometric parallax with its mean error. Name Name Name Name pi_f m.e. pi_f m.e. pi_f m.e. pi_f m.e. (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") (0.001") RT And 10 +/-2 RW Dor 35 +/-10 AM Leo 10 3 SZ Psc 11 4 S Ant 10 2 BV Dra 16 5 TZ Lyr 13 2 UV Psc 12 6 OO Aql 10 2 CM Dra 16 4 FL Lyr 11 2 TY Pyx 18 8 WW Aur 13 1 YY Eri 18 2 TY Men 15 4 W Ser 13 3 HS Aur 11 5 BZ Eri 10 8 V502 Oph 11 1 TY Tau 10 4 ZZ Boo 12 3 Z Her 11 2 V566 Oph 13 2 CD Tau 15 2 WY Cnc 15 5 AW Her 12 2 V839 Oph 12 4 XY UMa 11 4 EX Car 10 4 GK Hya 14 5 V1010 Oph 12 3 AW UMa 13 2 RR Cen 11 1 AR Lac 19 3 LX Per 17 8 AH Vir 11 2 V636 Cen 11 4 XY Leo 16 4 AE Phe 16 5 ER Vul 17 2 In my opinion, trigonometric parallaxes for these 40 stars should be determined in the first term. This would allow to verify the calculated photometric parallaxes and, on the other hand, it would considerably amplify the material for further investigation of the physical properties of eclipsing systems. Astronomical Observatory of the Jagellonian University, Cracow T. ZBIGNIEW DWORAK