Information Bulletin on Variable Stars of Commission 27 of the I. A. U. Number 1 Konkoly Observatory Budapest. 1961 October 4 TWO VARIABLES OF BETA LYRAE TYPE WITH LONG PERIODS Recommended for spectrographic and photoelectric observations are the two variables of Beta Lyrae type, EP Lyrae and HP Lyrae. Both objects have been formerly classified as RV Tauri type stars according to their periods when no spectrographic observations were available. Objective prism plates taken with the Sonneberg 50/70/172 cm Schmidt telescope revealed the early supergiant spectral types of both stars. Data of the two stars: period spectrum range max. brightness primary second. EP Lyr 83d.15 AI + GI 0m.6 0m.2 vis. 9m.9 vis. HP Lyr 140.75 AI + AI 0.5 0.5 pg. 10.5 pg. Noteworthy are the secondary variations of brightness during primary minimum of EP Lyrae. These lead to the conclusion that the G component of this pair is intrinsically variable. For further details see MVS 499-500 and 586-588 (forthcoming). Sonneberg Observatory of German Academy of Sciences, W. WENZEL